
Dr. Karim Asghari is a senior lecturer in the Department of Microbiology & Cell Science, specializing in General Microbiology, Microbilogy Laboratories, and Immunology Laboratories.
As Assistant Professor of Space Biology at the Space Life Science Laboratory, Nils' research comprises the rational engineering of microbial metabolism to increase the carbon-efficiency of biochemical pathways for assimilation of single-carbon compounds and the conversion thereof into advanced biomaterials.

Dr. Bacusmo is a Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology and Cell Science specializing in General Microbiology, Bioinformatics, and International Studies. She aims to provide an immersive learning environment that fosters critical thinking, encourages active student participation, and empowers students to continually pursue excellence in their chosen disciplines.

Our research focuses on the ecology and evolution of the genes that encode secondary metabolism and how microbial metabolites shape microbiome interaction networks. We deploy both computational and experimental approaches to describe the eco-evo dynamics of bacteria and the genes that assemble their secondary metabolites.
The Christner Research Group is interested in the physiology, ecology, biogeochemistry, and molecular adaptations of microorganisms inhabiting environments of the cryosphere and atmosphere.

Dr. Czyz is interested in two topics: antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and protein conformational diseases (PCDs).
The De Anda Lab focuses on understanding the evolution of microbial metabolism in extreme environments through a comprehensive approach that integrates lab work, fieldwork, and computational methods. The lab bridges data science and microbial ecology employing culture-independent techniques to uncover the metabolic principles of governing microbial life across ecological and evolutionary scales.

Valerie de Crecy-Lagard
Distinguished Professor and Associate Chair.
vcrecy@ufl.edu | PublicationsBIO
The study and implementation of “accuracy” is the general theme unifying the different components of my research program.

The Dias lab develops and applies cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods to examine important research questions across multiple fields of biological sciences and biomedical research.

UF Online students should contact Dr. De if they have general academic advising questions.
The Doore lab is interested in viruses of bacteria—known as bacteriophage or phage—and how they interact with their bacterial hosts.

Jennifer C. Drew is a genomics lecturer and STEP program professor in the Department of Microbiology & Cell Science.

My research interest is based on understanding how plant pathogens grow inside the host cell, suppress, or evade host defenses and cause disease.

The Edelmann Lab is investigating the novel host-directed therapies against Gram-negative infections and the functions of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles in enteric infections.

Jamie Foster
Assistant Director Astraeus Space Institute and Professor
jfoster@ufl.edu | PublicationsBIO
The overall objective of Dr. Foster’s research program is dedicated to examining the interactions between microbial communities and their surrounding environments to improve our understanding...

Dr. Elizabeth Gadsby shares her industry experience with students and faculty in the Department of Microbiology and Cell Science through her creation and leadership of professional development courses and the department advisory council.

We are especially interested in a big group of enzymes called esterases that includes carboxylesterases, arylesterases and thioesterases.

Dr. Jones is currently teaching the Virology lecture course for undergraduate and graduate students.

My laboratory is interested in the mechanisms by which intracellular pathogens evade immune detection.

The basic goals of the immune system are to mediate effective defense against infectious microorganisms, and the elimination of defective/cancerous self tissues.

Kevin is a CLAS Microbiology majors (traditional and transfer) advisor.

The Lorca Laboratory a diverse group of researchers whose main focus currently is investigating a probiotic strain of bacteria called Lactobacillus johnsonii N6.2.

The Martens-Habbena lab uses molecular biological, microbial physiological, and biogeochemical methods to investigate microbial activities in aquatic and terrestrial environments and their impact on major biogeochemical cycles.

The Maupin-Furlow lab is investigating extremophiles of the domain Archaea.

We study these signal transduction pathways and their activation mechanisms using the model plant Arabidopsis.

We developed a state of the art microbiology lab and teach a creative curriculum that allows students to understand the importance of microbes in their every day live and at the same time prepares them with skills and tools hat are important for their diverse future careers.

The Passalacqua lab (a.k.a. the Laboratory of Nucleic Acids) focuses on the discovery and structural characterization of functional nucleic acids (RNA, DNA, and modified nucleic acids) using bioinformatic, biochemical, biophysical, and structural biology methods. Current research topics include non-coding RNAs and DNAs involved in gene regulation, host-pathogen/microbe interactions, genome stability, and origins and evolution of life in the universe.

My research program focuses on aspects of bacterial physiology and cell communication that contribute to biofilm development of pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria.

My research group studies the role of plant-microbe interactions in the cycling of carbon and nutrients, as well as their impact on the resilience of plant hosts and their ecosystems to environmental stressors.

In the Square Lab, we study skeletal and dental development in model fish species to understand how signaling pathways work. Functional genomics, single-cell sequencing, and bone growth assays come together to reveal fundamental mechanisms of vertebrate development.

Our research group uses molecular analysis to test fundamental hypotheses in microbial ecology.

Students should contact Leandro if they are CALS Microbiology undergraduates interested in general academic advising. Including, course scheduling, registration issues, holds, major/minor changes, advanced lab sign up, etc.

The overall goal of the Triplett lab is to determine the drivers of microbial diversity in a wide range of environments.

Research in Dr. Vermerris’ lab is focused on elucidating biochemical and physiological processes relevant for the genetic improvement of crops that can be used as feedstocks for renewable fuels and chemicals.

Nian Wang
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. (Rip) Graves Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair
nianwang@ufl.edu | PublicationsBIO
Molecular genetics and functional genomics of plant-bacteria interactions and methods to control citrus diseases caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Citrus Greening) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Citrus Canker).

We are interested in the designing principles of cells and their synthetic biology applications. We apply experimental evolution, genetics, and biochemistry approaches to identify and characterize genetic traits associated with increased photosynthetic efficiency in cyanobacteria.

The Zhao laboratory uses a combination of computational and functional genomic, genetic and epigenetic approaches to study the mechanisms underlying genome evolution, transposon silencing, and epigenetic regulation of meiotic recombination and plant-microorganism interactions.