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Valerie De Anda

Assistant Professor

  • Teaching Interests
  • Education
    • PhD in Microbial Ecology at the Ecology Institute National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Computational and Structural Biology Laboratory AULA-DEI CSIC Zaragoza Spain. Thesis: Microbial metabolism & network interactions in response to environmental change
    •  B.Sc. Biology major, Biotechnology Institute  National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Thesis: Directed evolution of a shikimate dehydrogenase chimera
  • Description of Research

    The De Anda Lab focuses on understanding the evolution of microbial metabolism in extreme environments through a comprehensive approach that integrates lab work, fieldwork, and computational methods. The lab bridges data science and microbial ecology employing culture-independent techniques to uncover the metabolic principles of governing microbial life across ecological and evolutionary scales. By developing computational algorithms and  intersecting various disciplines (i.e  computational biology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, evolution and paleobiology,) the lab uses microbial metabolism to predict past, present, and future outcomes of life on Earth and their implications in a changing environment.

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